Sunday, February 14, 2010

Old blog, new tricks

Oh, hello, nonexistant person reading my blog. I'm working on my website (that's right, my OWN domain name!). And my game. Here's a video of my game, which is coming out around the time my website is launching.

Yeah, I've been making games more than machines lately. They're just...easier to make and market. So I'll post when my website is done, and I'll see if I can embed this blog into it.

Ummm........... Ciao!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


What a hiatus! 7 months! 7 MONTHS! I'm sorry! Wait, I've gotta stop apologizing, or I'll end up like this guy.

So, I didn't update on my Birthday this year. Hunh. Well, I got an Xbox 360 just so I could program indie games. I'm looking forward to New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Oh, and I have my DSi. Yeah. Oh! I've tried to enter a few contests recently, but failed. This one I've go a great idea for though.

By the way, feel free to friend me on Facebook.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Boy, do I have a wity title for you guys today! It's APRIL FOOLS!

Hello, and happy April fools day. Browse the web. I'm sure there'll be tons of witty pranks that some funny websites will pull on you. Me? No, no, I couldn't. I'm lame like that. Anyway, I drove to Virginia with my Dad and my friend to try the nintendo DSi. It was great fun. Rhythm Heaven, which is beig released the same day, is fantastic. I'm getting them both at the midnight gamestop event on saturday. Yeah, I'm that crazy. Oh, and Pokemon Platinum is fantastic. I beat it in four days; I was so caught up in it. By the way, If you're interested, my Youtube uploading account is SolidplasmaStudios. We'll see what have to post there. Until my next visit to the nerd-heavenly blogosphere, Ciao!

Monday, March 9, 2009

The return of a somewhat eccentric guy

Hey, guy(s). So, I broke my computer (again), but thanks to an extended warranty, I got a newer model: WITH A FINGERPRINT SCANNER. Pretty schweet*. Oh, and that reminds me. Don't forget to preorder platinum (March 22) and the Nintendo DSi (April 5). They both look Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh-technical*!

What else? I took Spybots to New York, and found a guy who might be able to get it on the market.

This is a helluva time killer.

Um..... Until next time I guess. Ciao!

*Finished a great game that was released in 2007 called Super Paper Mario (for Wii). These are quotes from a character from that game, Francis, The Uber Nerd.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Back from outer space

Honey, I'm blogging! No, seriously, to whoever is reading this, kudos. I'm back, and I'll try to revive my passion for blogging. From here, my posts will get a bit longer, and I may rant more. Sorry if that annoys anyone.

Happy Holidays! I know it's a bit late, but I had to write about it. I'm seeing lots of family, and I got quite a few presents: Guitar Hero: World Tour is soooooooo much fun, especially in band mode. Ugobe's robotic dinosaur, pleo is fun, but I wish they would fix their website.

About the webcomic. I'll update it soon I'll try. Really.

I'm just one of those people who can't keep a schedule, you know what I mean? I'm unorganized, lazy and weird, and I admit it. But admitting it isn't enough. I need to do something about it. That's not to say I should change myself, no. I should just try to improve. But effort can sometimes be hard to conjure. Especially towards things you find boring. At least that's what I've found. Man, I'm a drag. I need a girlfriend.

Speaking of living in my parent's basement (just kidding, I'm in 10th grade; don't freak out.),
some 2008 good titles for the Wii are:

Animal Crossing: City Folk: A fantastic title, if you play anything besides hardcore FPSs or other stereotypical videogames.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 'Nuff said.
Wii Music: If you can accept it for what it is, great fun!


Monday, October 6, 2008


No, I wasn't kidding. I started a webcomic with my sister. Check it out.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Is anyone reading this?

So, I've started school at Blake. It's fun. I figure that the reason I don't often update this blog is because it's more for me to rant than for you to read. However, if you are reading this, feel free to comment.

SBEMAIL 200! In one of the easter eggs, Strong Sad says not to check his blog because "I haven't updated that thing in years!" I can relate.

Mabye I will start a web comic.

Marriland started a pokemon platinum series. Check out the torn world:

Hooray for throwing random sentences together and calling it a blog post!